Self Quest: How do you want to feel?

I am announcing something new 😊

You know what I love more than anything in conversations?

Good questions.

I love the feeling when a good question for someone else bubbles up in me and similarly, I love when I am being asked a good question. It shows the other person is listening and the conversation sparkles with curiosity and energy. I love it :)

In my coaching practice, I find that the questions I ask my clients are much more important than the answers I give. Sure, a reflection or advice can no doubt be powerful, but a good question leads to transformation that the client accomplished inside their own awareness and THAT always shifts things to a whole different level!

So, here is what I want to try (and I would love it if you can let me know how you like it:)):

Every Thursday I will send you a “Self Quest Thursday” email that contains a question for you designed to help you understand yourself more deeply.


→  who you are

→ what you want, and

→ what your path to fulfillment looks like is the KEY to … well, everything really.\

Clarity is where it all begins.

You can take this question and simply reflect on it on your own, you can use it as a journal prompt (very powerful ✍️), or you can go on a walk with friends and discuss it in a group (so fun 👯‍♀️).


Here we go… today’s question is:

How do you want to feel in this season of your life?

Note that I am not talking about how you think you should feel.

I want to know how YOU, the woman you are today who is living in the reality of her life right now, wants to feel in her body, mind, and soul, but also in her family, in her home, in her work, in her real life.

When you walk down the street on a random Tuesday, what feelings do you want to have coursing through your body?

You may find that the first few words that come up are a little generic like “happy” or “successful”… GO DEEPER. Make it personal. What does “happiness” and “success” feel like to YOU in this season of your life?

Once you’ve got these feelings identified, write them down and pin them somewhere where you can see them every day.

It will help set your intention, set better boundaries, and make decisions that create opportunities for these feelings to emerge.

If you like, share your top 2-3 desired feelings with me 💗



PS: I used this exercise in an in-person workshop I hosted at my house last week and it was so powerful and moving to hear what other women are longing to feel more of in their lives. If you have a group of women who would like this, share this email with them and talk about it together. I find that community can bring so much insight, courage as well as lightness and laughter to these topics that can sometimes make us feel lonely. xo

Caroline Zwickson

Caroline Zwickson is a Life & Health Coach with a background in Counseling Psychology. She helps her clients discover their own authentic paths, so they can thrive in their own way.

Self Quest: What do you wish you could let go?


End-of-year questions to journal on or talk about with your loved ones✨