End-of-year questions to journal on or talk about with your loved ones✨

Here we are: 2024 is coming to end… already and/or finally… maybe a little bit of both? 

As one year is closing and another is about to open its doors for you, I wanted to send you a few simple questions to think about, journal about or maybe talk about with whoever you are spending the evening with.


Personally, I love New Years conversations… questions that ask you to pause and to reflect and questions that ask you to speak aloud your hopes and dreams.


Here are three questions for you to reflect on 2024 and three questions to help you clarify your desires for 2025:


REFLECT on 2024: 


1. What has 2024 been about for you? Was there a theme?


If you're the intention setting kind (like me ;)), you may have had an intention at the beginning of the year. How has this intention panned out for you? Has something come to fruition from setting a clear intention? Or… did 2024 have other plans for you? Maybe something happened that set you on a different trajectory? Which brings me to my next question…


2. How has this year surprised you?


Personally, I am finding that whenever I set an intention it helps me align my mindset and create better focus, but at the end of the day, there are so many different variables in life that our intentions are also always in an active interplay with reality's unpredictabilities. It's a dance and I think that the most successful and fulfilled people are able to adjust and go with the flow when a surprise plot-twist happens. This is called growth!


3. How have you evolved this year?


Did you discover something new about yourself? Maybe something you enjoy or maybe something you've been trying to get yourself to like, but simply don't? How has your relationship with yourself evolved and changed? Have you become kinder with yourself, maybe more confident or a little less sure of yourself (no judgement) because you are reconfiguring your identity? Or perhaps 2024 has really tested you and you showed yourself that you are tougher than you thought you were? There's no wrong answer here.


GREET 2025:


1. What's your simplest intention for 2025?

See if you can pick one word that encapsulates what you really want to cultivate in the new year. It's easy to overthink this and make it more complicated than it is… don't! Keep it simple and straight forward. Sentences are much harder to remember, but if you can name one word that nails it, you'll remember it much more easily.


2. How are you planning to nurture your joy in 2025?


What we perceive as joyful changes so much through our lifetime. And I love that it does. It keeps our life interesting and colorful instead of stale and repetitive. Maybe you want to listen to more live music, or go on more hikes? Maybe you want to paint more, read more, lie in the sun more often, or dress in a more unique way? Being an active pursuer of your own joy is the most direct path to uncovering your authenticity. It's also plain fun;)


3. What do you want to achieve in 2025 so that you will feel fulfilled?


“Achieve” not in the sense that others will be proud of you or you can check off some arbitrary box, but so that YOU will be proud of yourself. What are you longing to realize in your life? What have you been longing to create or do or turn into a habit? What achievement would genuinely feel fulfilling to you?


As always, I love hearing from you, so if you feel compelled share some of your answer and reflections with me :)


On a personal note…


2024 has been a mostly beautiful year. My creative practice has evolved tremendously and I have had the opportunity to guide in-person groups through experiences that combined meditation, explorative writing and painting. Honestly, it was glorious and something I have been dreaming of for years!! My little family is thriving and I have truly honored my desire for more privacy and less social media, which felt difficult at first, but is so good now.


However, 2024 also had its challenges that required me to clarify and hold boundaries in places where I previously felt too weak. I was also called to go back to some inner child work that was difficult in the moment, but ultimately set me free in ways that I deeply needed.


I am sharing this with you to let you know that inner work never ends. There are times when life sort of just flows along and there are times when our inner world is more stormy. Life ebbs and flows. The essence of growth, however, is learning how to ride these tides with patience and self-integrity when they come up instead of getting caught in resistance and self-loathing.


With love & happiest New Year!



PS: While I am currently not accepting new clients into my private mentorship program, I have a new offering: one-time 90-minute CLARITY SESSIONS. In these sessions, we laser-focus on one specific area in your life where you feel stuck, overwhelmed, or confused. I will send you a detailed questionnaire before our call, so I will be tuned into what exactly you're struggling with right from the start of our call. Together, we will focus, go deep and make a plan. You will leave our call feeling clear, empowered and ready to take action. Apply here. 


Caroline Zwickson

Caroline Zwickson is a Life & Health Coach with a background in Counseling Psychology. She helps her clients discover their own authentic paths, so they can thrive in their own way.


Self Quest: How do you want to feel?


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