Are you showing up WHOLE? Which parts are you suppressing?

Are you showing up WHOLE? Or, are parts of you staying hidden or neglected?

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The concept of wholeness first occurred to me in my mid 20s when I discovered herniated disks in my spine. Through them I realized that I was operating my life from a masculine, disembodied, accomplishment driven place that left me feeling exhausted, uninspired, and empty.

I didn’t know what it meant to feel whole because I was so far away from my feminine, creative, flexible, and softer sides.

I learned that becoming more whole meant reclaiming & integrating those parts (herniated disks mirror this: the softer, flexible part of the spine is injured and doesn’t have space... it gets squished by the hard vertebrae and causes pain. Isn’t the body brilliant?! It’s ALWAYS speaking to us!).

3 years later, I wrote my Master Thesis on fostering the mind-body connection to create more wholeness and I have been coaching women on this ever since.

Recently, the concept of wholeness has reappeared for me personally.

After I birthed Zoe almost a year ago, I knew that my birthing years were completed and with that, a new energy arrived.

I knew it was time to gently wake up a more creative and artistic side of me. I will share more about this in the future, but for now, I want to invite you to explore what wholeness means for you: what parts of you get lots of attention and what parts of you are you suppressing? What parts of you do you MISS?

Maybe you’re even hiding parts of yourself, your thoughts or your passions on purpose because you’re afraid of being shut down, laughed at, or judged.

I know that many women, and a lot of mothers in particular, feel like their life is run by logistics, by check-lists, by constantly making sure nothing is forgotten.

They often feel like they somehow have gotten stuck in a life that feels so serious, in being the not fun parent, the nagging partner who gets asked “why are you so angry?” when you’re really feeling unsupported, under appreciated, and like there’s never time to fill your own cup... never time to nourish your own WHOLENESS!

If this resonates, I invite you to explore this further and really get to know how you can become and feel more whole.

I suggest using the questions above to journal your spontaneous thoughts and impulses. Don’t overthink it. Just see what comes up.

This work is about tapping into YOU.

It’s about connecting with yourself and leading your life from a place of deep authenticity, integrity, and honorship.

And you know what, doing that will benefit EVERYONE around you, too. I promise;)



Caroline Zwickson

Caroline Zwickson is a Life & Health Coach with a background in Counseling Psychology. She helps her clients discover their own authentic paths, so they can thrive in their own way.

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