What distractions are keeping you unfocused and dissatisfied?

Towards the end fo last year, I confided in a friend: My brain feels like confetti like it's all over the place when all I want is to be present and focus on bringing my ideas to life.

I realized that I had somehow slipped into allowing various distractions too much space in my life. And they were making me feel frazzled. It didn't feel good at all.

That is why I made my word for 2025 FOCUS and one of my key self-imposed tasks is to become aware and eliminate unnecessary distractions.

Here's the truth:

Most of us don't struggle with a lack of ideas or even with a lack of motivation and drive.

The real pitfall? The overwhelming amount of distractions.  

From my own experience, I can tell you that the slope down to “distraction valley” is very slippery while the climb back up to “focus peak” can feel like a steep climb... but the VIEWS, I promise, are worth it!  

You know this as well as me: We live in a world that constantly pulls our attention in a hundred different directions, leaving us unfocused, overwhelmed, and stuck.

It's the opposite of feeling clear, present, accomplished, and satisfied. And isn't that what we all want?! I surely do

That's why for this week's Self Quest journey, I want to ask you:


Here's a list of common distractions that steal our focus:

  • Endless emails and notifications

  • Social media and streaming services

  • News cycles designed to keep us anxious

  • Unorganized spaces and too much stuff in your house

  • Relationship drama and poor boundaries

  • Online shopping rabbit holes

  • Mindless snacking and dopamine hits

  • Overbooked schedules with no time to think

The ability to eliminate distraction and direct our attention is the real superpower. 

Think about how your life would change if you mastered your focus. It's huge! Not just the output, but the inner satisfaction you'd feel if you used your time wisely.

It all starts with becoming aware of your distractions and starting to value your time by setting boundaries and sticking to them.

I know how hard this is. Truly, I do. Some days I feel like I've received one hundred messages from my kids schools alone by 10am. BUT, we cannot change the world we're living in completely and it will only speed up faster. 

As I am on my own personal journey of eliminating distractions and reclaiming my FOCUS this year, I am learning that I am just not willing to sacrifice my focus, my inner peace, my satisfaction and my ability to be present for monotonous content and “cheap” dopamine hits. 

This is your life, your time on earth. Use it well.

Now, go ahead and make a list of what's distracting you the most and think about three ways that you can eliminate these distractions.

With love, 



PS: My course Easy Joy offers a beautiful 28 day joy-based mindfulness experience that helps anchor you back into yourself and your real life. It's a great way to practice quieting down distractions and carving out small spaces of time to be present. Details and sign up here.


Caroline Zwickson

Caroline Zwickson is a Life & Health Coach with a background in Counseling Psychology. She helps her clients discover their own authentic paths, so they can thrive in their own way.


Self Quest: What do you do effortlessly that others find valuable?