Tune IN: Leading with your values. How would life be different?
One of the most powerful ways to simplify and improve your life is by knowing your values very intimately.
The key is to pick a FEW things that are really important to you… the things that truly bring you joy, the things that anchor you into your AUTHENTIC way of being in this world!
It’s key that you tune out what society, family or friends want and expect from you and just pay witness to your own real, beautiful self.
Once you discover your values, which I highly recommend taking your time with, you will FEEL that they are right for you.
Hone in on them consistently.
Practice them.
Make them a priority.
When I got really clear on my values (my joy bringers!), it became a lot easier to plan out my life and distinguish between what I’d like to say “yes” and “no” to!
Being outside, in nature, is a definite YES for me. Why? Because it brings me indescribable joy, it connects me to myself in a way that nothing else does.
I can hear my thoughts and feel my feelings far better by the ocean, in the forest, on the mountain than I can in any other place.
Being outside grounds me into what’s really important and fills me with gratitude and optimism.
(Pictures from last weekend at the beach:) I find that life as a mom to three little ones can feel so chaotic at times. Setting up our life firmly grounded in my and our values has been immensely helpful for all of us.)
My other core values (besides connection & presence which I get by being outside as described above) in this season of my life are generosity, authenticity, and creativity.
When I take on something new or think about a decision I have to make, I check in if whatever I’m about to agree to, is in line with my values. It’s incredibly helpful.
Your tune IN questions today are:
What are your values in this season of your life?
What brings you joy?
What helps you ground into your optimism?
What’s really important to you in this time that we’re finding ourselves in now?
Has life with covid helped you get clear on your values or made it harder?
Use these questions and journal a bit and see what comes up for you, then sit with these thoughts for a bit. You are allowed to change your mind and refine your values and evolve them. In fact, I want to encourage you to think of your values as alive, meaning they are meant to change and evolve alongside with you!